Creating a competitive moat for most teams requires a seamless and iterative data engine capable of turning proprietary text data into intelligent applications.

In this webinar, we'll show how to get started with minimal human involvement and speed up existing labeling operations, whether you’re training your own task-specific models from scratch or fine-tuning the latest SOTA foundation models.  

We'll show how to:

  - Leverage a popular foundation model (Gemini) to automatically label training data

  - Combine an SDK-driven approach with the Labelbox platform and UI to incorporate human evaluation in the data preparation workflow

  - Develop an end-to-end intelligent App using the latest features from Foundry

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Automated Labeling With Foundation Models: From Text to Intelligent Applications

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Senior Solutions Engineer - Labelbox

Trusted by leading Fortune 500 enterprises and AI-fueled companies

Trusted by leading startups and Fortune 500 enterprises

February 28, 2024 at 9am PT/12pm ET


Head of DevRel - Labelbox