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Developing better chatbots with AI-assisted labeling & LangSmith

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Trusted by leading startups and Fortune 500 enterprises


Solutions Engineer - Labelbox

As chatbots become increasingly prevalent in customer support and engagement, businesses face the challenge of ensuring their chatbot applications deliver accurate, relevant, and helpful responses. Developing high-performing chatbot models requires a combination of well-annotated data, advanced language models, and efficient debugging tools.

In this webinar, we'll explore how Labelbox's AI-assisted annotation capabilities and integration with LangSmith can help you build and optimize chatbot applications more effectively. 

We'll cover a range of topics, including:

  1. Techniques for annotating multimodal data to train chatbot models, including prelabeling and model-assisted review to streamline the annotation process.
  2. Addressing chatbot issues by linking LangSmith traces to the Labelbox Platform, allowing you to annotate intermediate prompts, logic, context, and parameters.
  3. Improving retrieval-based chatbot applications using RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) reranking workflows within the Labelbox Platform.


Head of DevRel - Labelbox